Organising Committee

Prof Naresh Kumar, The University of New South Wales (UNSW)

A/Prof Luke Hunter, The University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Dr Constance Bailey, The University of Sydney

A/Prof Joanne Jamie, Macquarie University

Prof David Black, The University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Local Advisory Committee

Dr Lauren Murray, Monash University

Prof Max Cryle, Monash University

Dr Sacha Pidot, The University of Melbourne

Prof Joanne Blanchfield, The University of Queensland

A/Prof Heng Chooi, The University of Western Australia

Prof Sylvia Urban, RMIT University

Prof Paul Keller, University of Wollongong

Prof Jason Smith, University of Tasmania

A/Prof Rohan Davis, Griffith University

Prof Leslie Weston, Charles Sturt University

Prof Norelle Daly, James Cook University

International Advisory Committee

Prof Mary Garson, The University of Queensland

Prof Greg Challis, The University of Warwick

Prof David Barker, The University of Auckland

Prof Minoru Ueda, Tohoku University

Prof Martin Banwell, Jinan University

Prof Pauline Chiu, University of Hong Kong

Prof Kwanruthai Tadpetch, Prince of Songkla University

Prof Francesco Nicotra, University of Milano-Bicocca

Prof Iqbal Choudhary, University of Karachi

Prof Brett Neilan, University of Newcastle